- Add Team To Pool - can automatically add a new team to a pool
- Scoreboard Widget - added new event, season and organization scoreboard widget
- Number Keyboard - show number keyboard for score updates on mobile
- Water Polo Pools To Groups - changed pools to groups
- Travel Integration - added travel requirements to registration and team management
- Lucid Travel - added Lucid Travel to travel integration
- Wix Integration - integrate widgets with Wix websites
- Coach Roster Widget - added a roster widget to coach account
- Exclude Registration Restrictions - hide certain scheduling requests inputs during registration
- Player Social Fields - added social fields to player input
- WePay Merchant - added WePay to our payment merchant offering
- Division/Schedule Templates - create division or schedule templates to be applied to divisions or schedules
- Copy Schedule - copy a schedule to another event
- Quick Rostering - added anonymous quick rosterig functionality for team rosters
- Switch Mat - switch games between mat on schedule grid
- Exposure Statistics - export statistics into Excel or CSV
- Statistic Leaders - choose what statistics to show for division leaders
- LeagueApps Integration - sync LeagueApps events, divisions, teams and players
- Increased Statistic Options - added all statistic options to enter for a game
- Schedule Grid Performance - increased performance of schedule grid for large events
- Venue Import - import venues via a CSV file
- Real Time Division Venues - real time validation of division venues on schedule grid
- Bye Brackets - added bye brackets and bye participants
- Added Wrestling Site - added wrestling site and wrestling scoring
- Credit Sharing - share credits with another director
- HTTPS - converted entire site to HTTPS
- Schedule Revision Notifications - added schedule revision notifications on schedule grid
- Volleyball Scoring - added set scoring for volleyball
- Volleyball Tie-Breakers - added tie breakers for volleyball
- Bracket To Pool - added bracket to pool functionality
- Pool To Pool - added pool to pool functionality
- Venue Coordinats - manually pick or input coordinates for venues
- Improved Caching - improved caching and cache reset on event saving for website/widget
- HoopStats - added HoopStats statistic vendor
- Real Time GameCast - gamecast is now real time
- Min/Max Venue Restriction - added scheduling request for min/max number of games per venue/location
- NCSA Integration - added NCSA integration to registration
- Real Time GameCast - gamecast is now real time
- Min/Max Venue Restriction - added scheduling request for min/max number of games per venue/location
- Water Polo Site - added water polo site
- BrainTree Merchant - added BrainTree as payment merchant
- Add custom Mat - added custom mat
- Age Verification/Cutoff - added age/verification funtionality for seasons
- ExposurePay Merchant - added ExposurePay as payment merchant
- MyStatsOnline Integration - added integration for MyStatsOnline
- Season Payments - added season payments, like sanction payments
- Dashed Bracket Borders - added dashed border option for brackets
- Edit All Bracket Parts - edit all bracket parts at the same time
- MyStatsOnline Integration - added integration for MyStatsOnline
- Season Payments - added season payments, like sanction payments
- Matchp Restriction - added matchup scheduling request
- BallerTV Integration - stream bouts from the schedule with BallerTV.
- Coach Credit Card Storage - coach accounts can now store their credit card information for one click future payments.
- Copy and Archive Season - you can now copy and archive seasons.
- AAU Membership Validation - teams, coaches and athletes can now be validated for AAU events.
- Schedule Grid Team Filter - added dropdown list of teams in legend to filter bouts by specific team.
- Show Pool Restrictions - hovering over pool slots with a team now shows the restrictions/scheduling request for that team.
- Validate Import File - validate an import file before actually importing the data on import pages.
- Bout Statistics Report - new report to show statistics per bout within an event
- Season Teams Display - seasonal rankings now show team records in all events.
- Tweet Division Champions - tweet division champions automatically after championship game including team photo
- Copy Brackets To Multiple Divisions - brackets can now be copied to multiple divisions in an event and has the team count displayed in the division name.
- Cross Division Bracket Play - brackets can now be linked between divisions
- Reverse Away/Home Bracket Position - options to treat the top team in the bracket as home and the bottom as away.
- Square Payment Merchant - square was added as a payment merchant
- Credit Reimbursement - reimburse credits for teams that weren't used with one click
- Restriction Filter - restrictions can now be filtered on the restrictions page
- Debit/Credit Transactions - orders are now display as either credits or debits on the orders page
- Global and Team Messaging - new interface for messaging events, divisions or specific teams
- Registration Tweets - tweet to a wall when a team registers
- Upcoming Organization Event Widget - a widget that will show the most recent published schedule